Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mum's 93rd Birthday

Yesterday was 26th September 2008 when I remembered my Mother's 93rd birthday. She was born on that day in 1915 when her mother was going to name her Alexander after my Grandma's younger brother who had been killed, aged 20, at Gallipoli, on 2 May 1915. Mum, however, turned out to be a girl, so she was named Betty Alexandra. Mum died on 17th July 1984, aged 68 from inoperable lung cancer due to smoking, something I gave up when I was 8 after one puff. Yes, I think I did inhale, since you ask, but never again. Would that Mum had done the same then.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Getting it in the neck

This afternoon I missed execution at the surgery. My mind called up visions of Sir Thomas More, Ann Boleyn, Catherine Howard, May Queen of Scots, K Charles I and K Louis XVI each of whom was unduly shortened in length making their further breathing more than difficult. Fortunately, my doctor had a scalpel rather than a guillotine in removing a skin cancer on the back of my neck otherwise it would have required more than the five stitches now residing there like a pet centipede.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Return of the Blogger

I'm here.

Yes, my last entry was on 7th March 2007.
A lot of last year was taken up with being involved on the NSW Australian Democrat Campaign team for both the NSW election where we lost MLC, Dr Arthur Chesterfield-Evans, and later the Federal election where we lost our four Senators.
I was exhausted from all this commitment and didn't really have anything I wanted to blog about politics on the grounds of the Fifth Amendment.
I am not so involved this year as I was, LD!
My daughter, Joanna, visited me this morning and has made it easier for me to resume my blog.
I hope to remain in touch with you, DV!