Wednesday, March 1, 2006

St David's Day on Ash Wednesday

Happy St David's Day whether you are of Welsh descent or not and welcome to Ash Wednesday and 40 days of Lent. Now how are you going to commemorate all that? Yesterday I was part of a party at our Manse celebrating Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras/Pancake Tuesday by eating pancakes. It reminded me of the time when we had restaurants called "Pancakes Galore" and one could eat pancakes with almost every conceivable flavour or combination thereof. Speaking of Shrove Tuesday, have you been shriven? Tonight I am off to our North Ryde Community Church to be marked on the forehead with a black ashen cross.


  1. Now would be a good time to lose some of those pounds (12kg) that I put on since stopping smoking over a year ago. I missed out on the pancakes (fortunately - otherwise it might be 13kg)

  2. They still do have pancake palaces. My most vivid memory is sliding down 20 or so steps to the one in Canberra -- in my usual fashion :)

