Monday, January 16, 2012

"The Left Hand of God"

S E R M O N CNR1062

EPIPHANY 2b North Ryde Community Church, 15 Jan 2012, 9.30am
1 Sam 3:1-10 (11-20); Ps 139:1-6,13-18; Jn 1:43-51; 1 Cor 6:12-20

1 Samuel 3:1b

1.1 Woken up in the night
One thing I can be sure of here and that is none of us enjoy
being woken up in the middle of the night.

It was bad enough when my children used to wake up
with the early morning light
and my son used to come into our bedroom
and start bouncing up and down on our bed.

He was our bouncing baby boy but we weren’t appreciating this
when dawn was still tentatively breaking.

Mind you, he grew out of this bad habit with the onset of teenage
where it required all but a front-end loader
to remove him from his bed in the mornings.

1.2 Eli not too thrilled
I can’t imagine Eli was too thrilled with the young enthusiastic Samuel
running in to report for duty in the middle of the night.

I can imagine Eli was even less thrilled
when he wheedled out of young Samuel what God had told him.

Mind you, the story is more straightforward than it first looks.

Young Samuel had adopted by his mother Hannah to be brought up by Eli, the priest-in-charge at the Temple of Shiloh,
and to serve the Lord God in gratitude for his miracle birth.

1.3 Little Pitchers have big ears
Eli would have been his teacher and mentor,
as I imagine all priests were in those days,
and as Eli grew older Samuel would have been running all sorts of errands around the place.

But as the adults in my young life used to say among themselves
when I was hanging around while they were talking,
“Little pitchers have big ears.”
And they would invariably change the subject.

Doubtless, Samuel heard a lot more what was going on
than he was supposed to
and what old Eli’s two worthless sons, Hophni and Phinehas,
who were now responsible for the day to day running of the Temple at Shiloh, were getting up to.

1.4 What you see is what you get
I’ll let you read about it for yourselves in the previous chapter,
but young Samuel would have been awake to the fact that things were wrong as we were when we heard the words at the beginning of the chapter,
“And the word of the Lord was rare in those days;
there was no frequent vision.”

What young Samuel had to tell old Eli much along the lines
that his sons were as crooked as a dog’s hind leg
and that they couldn’t even lie straight in bed.

Eli was the first to realise that in the midst of all this dark corruption
Samuel was a ray of light.
He was honest, without guile,
as Nathanael is later described in our Gospel reading – WYSIWYG.
This integrity would be the hope of Israel for years to come.

2.1 Samuel chooses Saul
It’s tempting to run through the story of Samuel in detail
like my Sunday School teacher used to, Sunday by Sunday,
but I’ll let you read it for yourselves, suffice to say,
that after listening to much haggling Samuel was later entrusted
to choose a king for Israel.

He found his man, Saul the Benjamite,
who was head and shoulders above the crowd.
He hadn’t intended to apply for the job - kings never do.
All he was focussed on was looking for his father’s lost donkeys.

2.2 Samuel chooses David
However, physique wasn’t enough, and eventually Samuel sacked him
but that’s another story.

Samuel found a different replacement,
a young shepherd lad who played music and was handy with a slingshot.

You may have heard of him.
His name was David, born in Bethlehem.

3.1 Was Samuel really special?
Samuel had received a very important call from God in the middle of the night.

It was very timely as we gather from those words,
“And the word of the Lord was rare in those days;
there was no frequent vision.”

I was brought up to believe that Samuel was special
and that he was singled out for his call.

I checked my lexicon to see what his name really means
to give me some clue
and it seems to mean “the left hand of God”.

From this I understand that the priests were normally seen
as the right hand of God
but if the right hand won’t do the job then the left hand would have to do.

3.2 Not everybody is listening
I am more inclined now to believe that God calls everybody.
It’s just that not everybody is listening.

While Eli was priest of the Temple of Shiloh,
only a small boy was paying attention,
so the call meant for the adults came through.

There was no ICAC in those days,
so when people had complained to Eli about his corrupt sons,
he would just sigh and say, “But they’re still my boys.”

3.3 The middle of integrity
With corruption around him, Samuel had integrity.

Those who have done maths will know
that the word for a whole number is “integer”,
so integrity means wholeness the equivalent of our old word “holiness”.

Contained in the word “integrity” is the word “grit”.

As Samuel learned, if we want to see integrity around us,
it will not happen unless we are ourselves prepared to put in some of the grit.

4.1 Nathanael (Jn 1:26)
In our Gospel lesson, Jesus has started work and is calling people to come and share the road with him.

One of them is Nathanael who is mainly famous for sitting under fig-trees
and grumbling, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (Jn 1:26)

He’s another WYSIWYG person like Samuel,
neither of them good at playing poker, or doing other things on the sly,
a man without guile.
What you see is what you get.

Jesus needs people like that, people with integrity
who are prepared to put a bit of grit into a world
where self-interest runs rampant as usual.

4.2 Switch on the antennae
Again, God calls everyone but not everyone listens.

2012 is the year where we are called to switch on our antennae
so the signal can come through.

There are many stories of calls coming through right through our Scriptures and through our experiences or the experiences of others,
stories of lives and careers changing because of a divine nudge
whether it’s noticed or not.

As disciples of Jesus,
we are subject to these calls even out of our comfort zone.

We all have our stories of challenging journeys.
Perhaps some of these journeys are still to come.
In God’s world let’s put the grit back to get integrity.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Drowner

S E R M O N CNR1061

BAPTISM OF JESUS b North Ryde Community Church 8 Jan 2012, 9.30am
Gen 1:1-5; Ps 29; Mk 1:4-11; Ac 19:1-11
(Amended readings: Gen 1:1-13; Mk 1:1-11)

1.1 Locusts and wild honey
All the Christmas decorations are put away for another year.
The cards are collected and read once more.
Funny, there weren’t any with John the Baptist on them.
Mark’s Gospel was the first written nearly a generation before the others
and in this Gospel we hear nothing about
angels, shepherds, wise men, stars or mangers.

The first person on the scene is this wild looking hairy man
with his peculiar diet of locusts and wild honey, and possibly bad breath,
not some one you’d ever find on your Christmas cards.

Back in my Sunday School days, our class turned up their noses with disgust and we asked our teacher why anyone in their right mind
would eat locusts and wild honey.

One smart girl piped up that the honey was used
to stop his lunch from flying away.

Somehow we find Christmas pudding a lot tastier.

1.2 John and the Jewish Spring
Who was this peculiar man who is the first person to appear in a Gospel
and what is he doing here?

From Luke we read that he is the son of a priest so he grew up
with the routines and rituals of what priests do
with the expectation that he would follow in his father’s footsteps.

But you know what children are like.
They have minds of their own, particularly when life around them changes.

Young John grew up conscious of the way these Roman governors
and soldiers ran things around the place
and they weren’t always polite about it.

There were always uprisings looking for a Jewish Spring, so to speak,
where the Jews could overthrow these bossy Romans.

Young John could see this wasn’t working
and that some day it would take the promised Messiah, the anointed one,
to pull this off with his baptism of fire.

1.3 Prepare the Way of the Lord
John had read from the Prophets of his Hebrew Scriptures,
particularly the scrolls of Isaiah and Malachi,
that a prophet would come forward to herald the Messiah’s coming.
“Prepare ye the way of the Lord!” (Mk 1:3)

John turned his back upon the formal religion of the day
because everyone was just going through the motions
and nothing was changing.

So, he put on the same garb as Elijah the prophet from centuries before,
went bush and lived off the land like he did, except for the extra protein.

Like Elijah’s successor, Elisha, he focussed on the river Jordan
and the place where cleansing by washing could take place,
just like Elisha recommended for Namaan the Syrian general
who was a leper.

It was this cleansing by washing
for which we have come to know this wild man called John the Baptist.

2.1 Ritual Washings
The priests would conduct ritual washings in the Temple
before sacrifices could be offered.

Centuries later, Catholics would imitate the process
with Confession before taking Communion.

But nothing was changing and the purpose for these ritual washings
were forgotten as soon as one’s skin was dry.

John would ensure his cleansing by washing
would be something those undergoing it, and undergoing was the word,
would never forget.

2.2 Waters under the firmament (Gen 1:7)
You may have worked out by now that the Jewish people of the day
were not enthused about water in large quantities.

You would have noticed that in the 1st Creation story read today,
there were waters left under the firmament (Gen 1:7).

These were the days when the earth was believed to be flat,
sorry to disillusion anybody, and these waters were kept underneath
lest they emerge to drown you.

2.3 The Many Waters
In Psalm 29, the Psalm of Seven Thunders,
the voice of the Lord God is upon the waters, many waters,
as the only power above them (Ps 29:3).

I think you get the picture.
Water in large quantities is just too awesome for comfort.

Just in case you wish to check this out for yourselves at home
when you are bored with TV,
add to your readings the stories of the Great Flood.

Read about the crossing of the Reed Sea
where Moses and the children of Israel look back
to see even Pharaoh’s mighty, terrible army
overwhelmed by this enormous torrent of water surging through them
sweeping them mercilessly away into oblivion forever.

There’s the story of Jonah tossed out of a boat during a raging storm,
not to mention Gospel accounts of the frightened disciples of Jesus
cowering in a boat on the Sea of Galilee
begging their Master to do something.

Even when you come to the end of the Book of Revelation
where a new heaven and a new earth is described
with the old heaven and the old earth passing away,
there is no more sea (Rev 21:1).

I think there are people in Queensland and in Japan who would understand.

2.4 Life after Drowning
So, with this in mind, what does John go and do?
First, and this appears in Matthew and Luke’s later accounts,
he sears the ears of the people with visions of a baptism of fire
unless they first undergo his baptism by water.

No ritual washing here.
With his none too tender hands pressed upon their heads,
John plunges them downward into the murky waters of the Jordan
so that they experience these waters under the firmament.

The Greek word, “baptizo”, means to plunge, even to drown.
The people have to experience what it is like to be about to die
before they can live again.

Today we would call this shock therapy.
Maginnis Magee would be staying in his log.

3.1 Mark’s Emphases
In Mark’s Gospel, the punch line from John the Baptist are his words,
“I have baptised you with water
but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.” (Mk 1:8)

Mark’s Gospel is definite about this.

John’s Gospel relates later that,
true, although Jesus underwent the baptism of John,
he never himself baptised with water, and,
true, he did breathe upon his disciples with the words,
“Receive the Holy Spirit.”

3.2 No shock therapy
There have been many disputes about water baptism throughout the history of the church and there are various positions of conscience.

There are a number of solid emphases Mark gives to baptism
and of some I have spoken here before,
but at this time, I am moved to focus here upon
the different ways from John the Baptist
Jesus used to herald the Kingdom of God.

There is no shock therapy from Jesus except for himself
when he later underwent the baptism of fire John was talking about
that we call the cross.

Ah yes, Maginnis Magee, there is pain in baptism but it’s not yours.

3.3 Live in the baptism of spirit
The baptism of spirit means that through Jesus Christ
God binds us together in him
so that we may live the life
that saves the world from imploding the way it continues to do.

It is this baptism of spirit that can hold off the baptism of fire.
So let us live in the baptism of spirit forever.