Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The slow travels of my left thigh

Only five months to Christmas.
I can hear you shriek from here.

I am still hobbling around on borrowed crutches and go places only with the assistance of friendly chauffeurs.
The surgeon rang me to tell me that the pathology results are back and it's all clear (whew), so there is no residual melanoma.

Meanwhile, the wound has become infected so I have antibiotics and pencillin to quaff each 4 times a day.
The joy of having pus squeezed out through 11 stitches inside one's left thigh is not one I highly recommend.
The stitches are due out tomorrow week, so I hope my car still recognises me by then.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Eleven Stitches

Yesterday afternoon I had that anticipated excision and I am the proud bearer of 11 stitches. The pathology review is due in 10 days and I shall know whether the removed freckle is primary or "in transit", i.e. something that had lain dormant since my St Valentine's Day massacre, a "dinner plate" excision in 1978. I dress my little wound in about 2 or 3 days and the stitches will come out in a fortnight. I return to my surgeon for inspection in 3 months time. My leg is not particularly energetic at the moment.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Just an ambitious freckle

I'm still here even though you may think otherwise since I've posted nothing here for 2 months.

I've received my son from Canberra, seen him off at Mascot International Airport at the beginning of his 4 week tour of UK and parts of Europe, collected him back and waved him "au revoir" as he drove to Brisbane.

Yesterday would have been my Pearl wedding anniversary had not the marriage collapsed after 11 years.
It was also the 22nd anniversary of Mum's death with the dreaded lung cancer in 1984.

Tomorrow I fight my way through the traffic and negotiate my way into a complicated car park to attend the Sydney Cancer Centre and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Newtown where I anticipate a wider excision of a superficial spreading melanoma on the inside of my left thigh just below a previous excision from the same thigh on St Valentine's Day 1978.

Would you keep your fingers crossed for me please if it doesn't interfere with your typing?

I expect to be bringing my leg back with me, well the rest of it, anyway.